Abydos is to go deeply amid the hidden exclusive points of ancient Egypt. It was the entrance to the underworld for the pharaohs!
Abydos Temple visit means arriving in the heart of the pilgrimage site for the ancient Egyptians.
So, you are in the holiest spot of ancient Egypt. It is where Osiris was buried. So, it is a pilgrimage site for the ancient Egyptians worshipping Osiris.
Abydos Temple from Inside
Abydos is where you wander amid the dazzling necropolis of the earliest Egyptian royalty and where the head of the ancient Egyptian god is.
Meet the 1st and 2nd dynasties tombs. They are teeming with pottery, royal emblems, ivory labels, and vibrant inscriptions of the names of several predynastic kings.
The ancient Egyptians wanted to be buried as close as possible to the recognized tomb of Osiris at Abydos.
Even for those who could not afford the cost of being buried there, stelae were set up, inscribed with the dead name and titles and a prayer to the god.
That indicates the reason why thousands of these stelae have been found in the city’s cemeteries.
See those series of wooden boats covered by whitewashed mud-brick casings. So, you are in front of the first boats made in history.
They looked like the boats that were discovered in ancient Egypt of the Old Kingdom (c. 2575–c. 2130 bce).
Over the centuries, the temple of Osiris was successively enlarged by a great number of the ancient Egyptian kings, including Pepi I, Ahmose I, Thutmose III, Ramses III, and Ahmose II.
Even we find mortuary temples dating back to the Middle and New Kingdoms of ancient Egypt.
We also find the temple of Seti I, the father of Ramses II. Seti I temple is one of the most beautiful temples of ancient Egypt.
This temple has a unique design with more than seven sanctuaries. You can arrive at them through two broad hypostyle halls.
Other Attractions to Meet
Meet also this long gallery that leads to other rooms with dazzling, well-preserved inscriptions showing Seti and his son Ramses making offerings to the 76 of their dead predecessors, beginning with Menes.
The remarkable structure, which is Seti’s cenotaph, known as the Osireion, is located 26 feet (8 meters) behind the temple of Seti I.
This curious monument takes you to an underground vaulted hall containing a central platform with 10 monolithic pillars surrounded by a channel of water.
Arrive also to the ruins of Ramses II temple.

As long as you visit Egypt, relish its complete beauty, going ahead from the dazzlement of the Red Sea to...

Where is Abydos Temple located?!
Abydos is situated north of Luxor (130km), The city was called Abdju in the ancient Egyptian language, meaning "the hill of the symbol or reliquary.".
It is a reference to a reliquary in which the sacred head of Osiris was preserved.